The Subvertiser is a novel in progress. Chapters will be added, edited, and hidden as work continues. While the book may eventually see print, it’s intended to take advantage of the medium it lives in now. Design, social media, and other web content are integral to how the story is told.

The story can be best described as The Newsroom meets Ocean’s Eleven, though it has an identity all its own. Its author has also pitched it in the form of the question “what if a book were kind of a dick?”
If the story reads as audacious, freewheeling, and strange, then it’s done its job.

To access chapters, contact information, and other elements of the book, please use the menu located at the top right of each page.

The Subvertiser is written by Scott Rodgerson, edited by Isaiah Klassen, and designed by the Super America Blastoff Corporation.